For example: - The motor that will turn the lead screw will need to be mounted at some position (generally at one end of the axis).

The lead screw will only need to be long enough for the travel, plus any structure and lead-nut positioning. It generally does not matter if it is longer at the other end as long as the lead screw provides the desired travel for that axis. My average 2D design takes approximately 35-40 minutes to complete. Lead screw link: !5-5-starts-10-tpi Antibacklash nut link: !5-5-starts-10-tpiĬlick the link to add information to this solution: I built a 2' x 4' cnc about 2 years ago and bought all the plans and part through this website. The above (link below) 5 start 1/2" lead screws will travel one inch with only 2 turns of the motor! That is a drastic difference and you will get more torque from your motor since most of the torque is present at low speeds. A standard allthread will only travel one inch after 13 turns of the motor. The reason why the feedrate and jogging speed is faster is because the lead screw will travel a farther distance for each turn of the motor. This will allow you to have up to 200-300 IPM (inches per minute) travel and cutting speeds. Over the years I have built/retro-fitted/modified more than a dozen CNC Mills and Lathes and 1 Router and 1 Laser using various Mach3/4 setups, some for myself and some for others and I have never seen any Post Processor that I have used with several different CadCAM softwares, (FeatureCAM, BobCAD-CAM, MasterCAM) in every one of them the Post Processor for Mach3 has always output Tool first and then tool change command M6 (or M06).Yes, if you are using 1/2" standard allthread lead screw coupled to your stepping motors, you can increase the speed by changing the lead screw to 10 TPI 5 Start Lead Screws with antibacklash nuts. if your version of Mach3 won`t accept that command then I think you need to maybe change the version of Mach3 you are using, some versions are notoriously unstable and "buggy", what version are you using? Is it the last "stable" version? All means go ahead and alter the PP, however I have to disagree with you and agree with regarding the correct sequence for a tool change in Mach3, or even Mach2 and Mach4 they have always been T** M6.